Welcome to Algoma Public Health's online inspection report database.
We are working to have the site updated as soon as possible. You may still use the site, however you will be viewing historical data that may not be current. please keep this in mind.
This interactive database provides quick and easy access to local inspection and enforcement-related activities by Algoma Public Health. The inspection reports provide a summary of conditions observed by the public health inspector at the time of the inspection. You can use this information to make informed decisions about where you choose to receive or purchase services.
Inspection information is available online for:
Childcare services
Food premises
Personal services settings
Public pools and public spas (Recreational water facilities)
Small Drinking Water Systems
Enforcement related information is available online for:
Food premises
Personal service settings
Public pools and public spas
Public Beaches
Drinking water facilities
Tobacco and Electronic Cigarette Vendors
Before using this site, please read and accept the terms below:
No endorsement of any business, or the products or services offered, is expressed or implied by any information, material or content included on this website.
Algoma Public Health cannot guarantee the conditions of a business at all times, and the information on this site should not be relied upon for that purpose. The inspection reports only describe what the public health inspector observed at the time of inspection.
Visitors to this site are cautioned against interpreting the status of a particular business based on any single inspection report and are encouraged to browse a business’ inspection history before arriving at any conclusions.
Algoma Public Health is responsible for ensuring compliance with provincial legislation such as, but not limited to the Health Protection and Promotion Act, Smoke-Free Ontario Act, Skin Cancer Prevention Act, etc. Algoma Public Health does not evaluate specific safety components of business practices, staff training, or the quality of goods and services provided.
While every effort is made to ensure that all information is up-to-date, accurate, and complete. Algoma Public Health is not responsible for discrepancies between information posted on this website, and actual inspection reports provided to the facility and maintained in electronic format at our office. Inspection results are typically posted immediately following inspection but may result in delays of up to 72 hours.
If you discover an error, have any questions, or if a location is missing from our website, please contact us at (705) 942-4646(toll-free at 866-892-0172).